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The Impact of Middle Age on the Viability of Patients with Nonmalignant and Malignant Diseases

Received: 8 November 2014     Accepted: 28 November 2014     Published: 2 December 2014
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Deep myelosuppression, an officially sanctioned effect of non-selective cytotoxic cancer therapy, would be expected to be incompatible with mounting of a powerful host defense against spontaneous malignancy. To explore this theoretical difficulty, we used middle age as a natural model of a temporary decline in lymphocytopoiesis, caused by physiological thymus involution. The impact of middle age on the levels of death from nonmalignant and malignant diseases was analyzed retrospectively, using population health data from Europe (the European Network of Economic Policy Research Institutes, 1995); the UK (Statistics Team at the Cancer Research UK, and the Office for National Statistics cancer survival rates for 2007-2010), and the USA (National Center for Health Statistics, 1987-2007; National Vital Statistics System, 1999-2010; National Cancer Institute's Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results [SEER], 1992-2010). The rate of death and survival used to check whether the vectors of middle age-specific changes of these parameters are opposite or coincident in cancer patients and those with certain non-malignant somatic diseases. According the temporary trend on a middle- age portion of plot, the curves were graded negative or positive (+ = viability is not change or goes up; - = viability goes down).Comparisons of aggregate data showed that middle age exerted opposite effects on the health of those with cancer and non-malignant diseases. In middle age, serious health conditions, such as some cancers, are easier to treat, but the overall quality of life is reduced by various morbidities, especially infections. The comparing of the impact of middle age on the viability of patients with nonmalignant and malignant diseases in alternative terms of immunity or morphogenesis leads to recognition of trophic contribution of thymus into tumor development. By analogy, we assume that use of cytotoxic therapy can exert indirect benefit, thus compromising hemato- lymphocytopoiesis.

Published in Cancer Research Journal (Volume 2, Issue 6)
DOI 10.11648/j.crj.20140206.14
Page(s) 114-120
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2014. Published by Science Publishing Group


Death Rates, Malignancy, Middle Age, Mielopoiesis, Populations

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  • APA Style

    Alexei N. Shoutko, Lyudmila P. Ekimova. (2014). The Impact of Middle Age on the Viability of Patients with Nonmalignant and Malignant Diseases. Cancer Research Journal, 2(6), 114-120. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.crj.20140206.14

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    ACS Style

    Alexei N. Shoutko; Lyudmila P. Ekimova. The Impact of Middle Age on the Viability of Patients with Nonmalignant and Malignant Diseases. Cancer Res. J. 2014, 2(6), 114-120. doi: 10.11648/j.crj.20140206.14

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    AMA Style

    Alexei N. Shoutko, Lyudmila P. Ekimova. The Impact of Middle Age on the Viability of Patients with Nonmalignant and Malignant Diseases. Cancer Res J. 2014;2(6):114-120. doi: 10.11648/j.crj.20140206.14

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    AB  - Deep myelosuppression, an officially sanctioned effect of non-selective cytotoxic cancer therapy, would be expected to be incompatible with mounting of a powerful host defense against spontaneous malignancy. To explore this theoretical difficulty, we used middle age as a natural model of a temporary decline in lymphocytopoiesis, caused by physiological thymus involution. The impact of middle age on the levels of death from nonmalignant and malignant diseases was analyzed retrospectively, using population health data from Europe (the European Network of Economic Policy Research Institutes, 1995); the UK (Statistics Team at the Cancer Research UK, and the Office for National Statistics cancer survival rates for 2007-2010), and the USA (National Center for Health Statistics, 1987-2007; National Vital Statistics System, 1999-2010; National Cancer Institute's Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results [SEER], 1992-2010). The rate of death and survival used to check whether the vectors of middle age-specific changes of these parameters are opposite or coincident in cancer patients and those with certain non-malignant somatic diseases. According the temporary trend on a middle- age portion of plot, the curves were graded negative or positive (+ = viability is not change or goes up; - = viability goes down).Comparisons of aggregate data showed that middle age exerted opposite effects on the health of those with cancer and non-malignant diseases. In middle age, serious health conditions, such as some cancers, are easier to treat, but the overall quality of life is reduced by various morbidities, especially infections. The comparing of the impact of middle age on the viability of patients with nonmalignant and malignant diseases in alternative terms of immunity or morphogenesis leads to recognition of trophic contribution of thymus into tumor development. By analogy, we assume that use of cytotoxic therapy can exert indirect benefit, thus compromising hemato- lymphocytopoiesis.
    VL  - 2
    IS  - 6
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Medical Radiobiology Department, Federal Scientific Centre for Radiology and Surgical Technologies, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation

  • Medical Radiobiology Department, Federal Scientific Centre for Radiology and Surgical Technologies, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation

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